Investing for Good to work with Buzzacott to help organisations secure new forms of investment

Big Potential Advanced with Buzzacott


Getting organisations investment-ready

Big Potential Advanced is delivered by The Social Investment Business on behalf of the Big Lottery Fund and is aimed at ensuring social organisations are better equipped to secure new forms of investment.

Are you eligible for Big Potential Advanced?

Big Potential Advanced supports more established organisations that are looking to raise in excess of £500k. The programme will deliver approximately £10m of grant funding until late 2017 enabling eligible organisations to access grants of between £50k–£150k for specialist investment readiness support from an approved Big Potential provider.


Investing for Good is an approved provider to the fund working in conjunction with its partner Buzzacott and has a longstanding track record of providing investment readiness support.


Impact Platforms - Silver bullets or a poisoned chalice?


Oranges & Lemons, an Investing for Good report on the state of play of impact measurement practices among social investment finance intermediaries